Your 30-Second Imposter Syndrome Fix!


PLUS a Bonus Gift for YOU ðŸ˜Š Keep Scrolling! 

Step 1.) Focus on your breath.

Step 2.) Say, "I am the kind of person who . . .  [insert the specific opposite of whatever that nasty little voice in your head is saying).

Step 3.) Focus on your breath again.  

Repeat for 30 seconds. That's it!

Your 30-second Imposter Syndrome Fix is based in research!

We easily shape our habits around the kind of person we believe ourselves to be.

If you want to keep up, you need to flex!

Make a habit of your 30-second imposter syndrome fix.

10 minutes a day.

10 minutes a day is the time you need to become a confident, conscious leader.

10 minutes a day is why I created a FREE 30-minute Confidence Course just for you!   

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Find that pink button and sign up for your FREE 30-minute Confidence Course

(Because freaking out in private is not sustainable leadership.) 


