3 Myths about Energy, Time Management, and Personality
Sep 04, 20213 Myths About Personality, Energy, and Time Management
This is the script that used to run in my head.
As I was racing out the door.
People know that I care about them. So it’s okay that I’m late.
That was my script.
I had more than one script.
Here’s another one: *Sigh* I said I would do this thing, but I’m SO tired.
I’ll do it later when I have more energy.
These patterned stories I made up to make sure I thought I was a good person. This brings us to the first myth we need to know about personality, energy, and time management
Myth 1:
Personality is just who I am
TRUTH: Who you are is an indefinable, indescribable miracle best contemplated in silent awe. Your personality, however, is definable: patterns of behavior, emotion, and thought.
I just told you about the energy patterns of my personality. Very sweet and chill and laid back--but with an undercurrent of panic because of overpromising.
These are VERY different from the energy patterns of my daughter’s personality. Her personality script is wired to *get stuff done* no matter what the cost.
Mom, I just feel like I need to muscle through this. My body hurts all over, but I just have to get through it.
She and I have very different personalities, and we run our personality patterns in ways that feel safer and comfortable, and familiar--even if it drains our energy and makes us less effective in the world.
This brings us to the second myth we need to know about Personality, Energy, and Time Management.
Myth 2:
My personality helps me manage my time and energy.
TRUTH: We all have favorite time management programs that are based in our personality patterns, and leak energy in predictable, patterned ways.
- Some personalities are wired to push to get stuff done--but at the expense of emotional health and relationships.
- Some personalities are wired to pull back and synthesize--at the expense of getting stuff done.
- Some personalities are wired to be actively helpful as a motivation for all action--at the expense of super-grounded decision-making that may not have altruism as its main motivation. .
So there is a risk to playing favorites with our comfortable time-management coping skills. That risk is predictable. Based in our personalities patterns.
This brings us to the third myth about Personality, Energy, and Time Management
Myth 3:
Learning better time management will give me more energy
Truth: Partially true. But without deeper awareness of your personality, the patterns will just evolve and become more sly.
Story: Just this morning, I looked at a task I had scheduled for yesterday, and I felt the sleepiness and the old pattern emerging. It was overwhelming--for about 30 seconds. Think about that. What would have become a week-long backlog was something I was able to shift in 30 seconds because I know how my patterns work, and I have reliable, fast interventions.
The point is this: we are patterns of energy, emotions, thoughts, and behaviors BEFORE we are calendar people who schedule things and get stuff done. It is LOGICAL to power up your personality awareness as the foundation of good time management.
Which is why I am running a special on my Power Up Your Personality program.
You will be better able to focus your energy when you understand where your “leaks” are.
I’m very proud of this program because it saves time without sacrificing nuance.
You are in my heart!
Yes, I want to Power Up My Personality
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