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The Sibling Effect Oct 30, 2023

Have you ever seen this?

A snipey infighting between two people on a team.

I call it the Sibling Effect:  They are fixated on each other.  You become fixated.  All that exists is the...

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One Small Tweak to Help Your Productivity at Home productivity standing desk working at home working at home hacks Sep 26, 2021
You are on the couch.  Your laptop is open.  You are staring.  You are clicking through your open tabs.  Calendar.  To-Do List.  Trello.  Facebook. ...
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3 Truths About Your Personality's Biggest Complaint: "I Don't Know Who I Am" identity imposter syndrome personality truths about personality Sep 19, 2021

When I was young, one of my favorite grown-ups said, "I don't know who I am today! I just feel like there's something wrong with me!"

That awful feeling "I don't know who I am"--seems to put...

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3 Myths about Energy, Time Management, and Personality Sep 04, 2021

3 Myths  About Personality, Energy,  and Time Management


This is the script that used to run in my head.

As I was racing out the door.

People know that I care about them.  So...

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Debunking 3 Myths about Being in The Zone (aka "Flow") Aug 12, 2021

FLOW is that gorgeous state being "in the zone."

And we know about this state because a psychologist named Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi spent a lifetime researching "optimal experience."


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